
aztecwildsmegaways|瑞迪智驱中签号出炉 共约2.76万个


News summary

A total of about 2 winning numbers for Ridi Smart Drive were releasedaztecwildsmegaways.760,000 Securities Times e Company NewsaztecwildsmegawaysOn the evening of May 5, Ruidi Zhiqu (301596) disclosed the online winning results of the initial public offering of shares. There were a total of 27559 winning numbers, and each winning number can only subscribe for 500 shares of Ruidi Zhiqu shares.

aztecwildsmegaways|瑞迪智驱中签号出炉 共约2.76万个

Newsletter text

A total of about 27,600 winning lots of Ruidi Intelligent Drive were released. Securities Times e Company News. Ruidi Intelligent Drive (301596) disclosed the online winning results of the initial public offering on the evening of May 5. There were a total of 27559 winning lots, and each winning lot code can only subscribe for 500 shares of Ruidi Intelligent Drive shares.

05 05月

2024-05-05 22:20:34

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