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Amazon (AMZNlimitlesscasinonodeposit.US) rose more than 2%limitlesscasinonodeposit, reported 182limitlesscasinonodeposit.59 dollars. Goldman Sachs published a research report stating that Amazon recorded steady growth in the first quarter of this year, mainly due to a significant increase in operating margins of its North American operations, steady growth in operating margins in the international market, strong advertising revenue performance, and cloud computing business AWSlimitlesscasinonodepositdriven by. Goldman Sachs maintains Amazon's expectations for steady revenue growth and expansion of operating profit margins over the years. It believes that the company continues to make key investments in long-term growth plans and is fully prepared for future development. It is also optimistic that AWS will benefit from changes in corporate customer needs and growth opportunities brought by the development trend of generative AI, reiterated its "Buy" rating and raised its target price from $220 to $225.

limitlesscasinonodeposit|美股异动|亚马逊涨超2% 高盛上调其目标价至225美元 看好AWS增长机会

02 05月

2024-05-02 23:21:10

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