


Newsletter summary

Jiao Zhenying was appointed Deputy General Manager of China Pingping Coal Shenma holding Group.HoldemstripemDecision of the people's Government of Henan Province on April 30, 2024.

Text of news flash

[Henan Provincial people's Government announced Jiao Zhenying as Deputy General Manager of China Pingdingcoal Shenma holding Group] recently, the people's Government of Henan Province issued a notice appointing Jiao Zhenying as Deputy General Manager of China Pingdingcoal Shenma holding Group Co., Ltd. This personnel change is of great significance to the future development of the company.

According to a notice from the Henan Provincial people's Government, Jiao Zhenying will serve as deputy general manager of China Pingping Coal Shenma holding Group in accordance with the decision of the provincial people's government.

China Ping Coal Shenma holding Group is an important enterprise in the domestic coal industry, and the change of its leadership will undoubtedly have an impact on the company's business strategy and market performance.

Jiao Zhenying as deputy general manager, will be responsible for what specific business, there is no detailed information disclosed. But it can be predicted that his participation will inject new vitality into the company and promote the company to achieve better development in the new market environment.

For details of this personnel change, please pay attention to the follow-up announcement of China Pingdingshan Shenma holding Group.


03 05月

2024-05-03 08:20:01

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